Access Your REST APIs with HTTPie
Modern Command Line HTTP Client
Basic Introduction about HTTPie
HTTPie (pronounced aitch-tee-tee-pie) is a command line HTTP client. Its goal is to make CLI interaction with web services as human-friendly as possible.
It provides a simple http
command that allows for sending arbitrary HTTP requests using a simple and natural syntax, and displays colorized output. HTTPie can be used for testing, debugging, and generally interacting with HTTP servers.
Installation (Windows OS)
- Download the Windows x86–64 executable installer and run it.
2. Once you install this python version then next step we need to Install pip/Python and upgrade pip
python -m pip install — upgrade pip
3. Install pip setup-tools , run below command
pip install — upgrade pip setuptools
4. Install HTTPie , run below commands
pip install — upgrade httpie
Cool , Now we are done with installation stuff , so let’s begin with Usages
Example with HTTP Methods
Already i created one spring boot CRUD Example let’s access all the REST Endpoints with HTTPie Command Line client
POST Method :
HTTP URL : http POST http://localhost:9191/addProduct name=bike quantity=1 price:=90000
If you observe /addProduct is Endpoint URL and name,quantity & price are Request Body to access REST API
GET Method :
HTTP URL : http GET http://localhost:9191/products
This Endpoint will return list of product object available in DataBase
GET Method with Argument :
HTTP URL : http GET http://localhost:9191/product/mobile
This Endpoint will return Product object by name where name is request path argument
HTTP PUT Method:
HTTP URL : http PUT http://localhost:9191/update id=6 name=bike quantity=1 price:=190000
Usually PUT method used for UPDATE operation , so if you noticed we were giving request body to update (Verify with POST method price for Bike previously it was 90000 now we are updating price to 190000)
HTTP URL : http PUT http://localhost:9191/delete/6
Wrapping Up
HTTPie is a light-weight but extremely powerful tool to communicate easily with an HTTP server. The ability to invoke a variety of HTTP methods with an HTTP command and other sensible default values makes it a perfect candidate in RESTful and microservices ecosystem …